Easy Bird Feeder Craft for Kids
Many birds remain in Canada during the winter season. Place a few bird feeders near a window and you can enjoy the view from the comforts of your home.
Winter is a busy time at the bird feeder because of the lack of food due to the cold temperatures. It’s key to keep your bird feeder topped up with bird seed from dawn until dusk so the birds have a chance to get enough energy to keep them warm through the frigid nights.
High Energy feed is best for winter like Black oil sunflower, peanut, corn and suet. Black oil sunflower is the favorite choice in the bird world.
Using a bird feeder with a roof or overhand will keep food dry and prevent it from getting snow covered.
A fun and quick feeder to make uses only a few things and makes the feathered friends extremely happy.
- Empty toilet paper rolls
- Peanut butter or shortening
- Popsicle stick to apply the peanut butter or shortening
- Pipe cleaners
- Bird seed
- Empty pan
- Handheld hole punch
Pour some bird seed into a foil tray or baking pan (keeps the bird seed off your floor)
Poke 2 holes on the end of each tube (later you will use the pipe cleaners to make a hanger). Spread peanut butter or shortening on the paper tube.
Roll the tubes in the bird seed covering the entire tube
Attach a pipe cleaners to make a hanger to hook on a branch.
All done! Hang it outside on a branch and now you have a simple and fun bird feeder for your feathered friends!